Saturday, January 7, 2012

NEW YEARS GOALS (And Where I Am With Those)

I know, I know.  I'm a week late starting these.  Probably a little more than a week late, considering that most people who have new years goals that they actually set and follow most likely start thinking about and setting those goals in advance of the new year.  I figured since it is the first time I am actually doing this seriously, now is a way better time to start than never.  Do you agree?  I hope so.  Also, for me personally, as I look into the new year ahead, I see it two ways:  1. Having no goals, and whatever happens happens, or 2. Setting goals, accomplishing them, and watching as God miraculously intervenes and makes things turn out far better than I could have ever imagined or asked by just setting my own goals.

I am going with option two.  Why?  Well because I have lived option one for most of my life now, and I don't like just ending up wherever the wind blows.  This time, at the end of 2012, I want to look back and say, "Yep, I accomplished those things I set up for at the beginning of the year."  I also want to be able to look back at the year with my family, and be greatly appreciative of all I know God will do with us, in us, through us, and for us.  I have much more to talk about with Malorie, my wife, about what we are going to plan this year for our family, and my goals as far as my current and future career, but hey, like I said, starting now is better than never.   These are my personal goals, and how I plan to accomplish them:

1.  Begin reading a Bible track to finish in 1 1/2 years. 
     A.  Follow 3 year reading plan in NIV Bible and double up what's called for each day.  

2.  Write and publish at least one blog a month.
     A.  Whether I consider it good or bad, I will purposely post at least one blog a month.
     B.  It does not matter if it's short or long.
     C.  It does not matter if it's old or new content. 

     D.  ONCE A MONTH, I WILL POST A BLOG AND PUBLISH IT!  I will continue this all year, no  matter if people love it or hate it, whether hundreds, thousands, or no one at all comments, I will do this for me, God, and the world!
     E.  The subject matter for each post will be whatever I choose, because that is me.

3.  I will be sure to continue the book I began writing by writing at LEAST one page of new stuff each month.

So that 's where  I am right now.  I may adjust and sharpen these goals throughout the year.  I will see.  But what I've written is the very minimum I plan to accomplish.  And I shall.  If you wonder why I seem so repetitive for my details of number 2, it's because I feel called to write and publish my work, but I have consistently come up with reason after reason not to do so, when in all truth, the only real reason I haven't is because of fear.  And now, I've accomplished Goal 2 so far this year.  :-)   I hope we all have an amazing year in 2012!  Feel free to comment and leave your thoughts about your New Year's goals and resolutions, or whatever you may call them.  Thanks for reading and God bless you!